Hey there! Long time no see. I have been absolutely SWAMPED with work & house hunting...therefore, blogging has been put on the back burner...WAY in the back!
Gotta start of with a lil' braggin' - Justin has been PROMOTED!! Praise GOD! He is now head ag teacher at Somerset High School, which makes me so stinkin' proud! This also means that he will be even busier than he was to begin with, but it will all pay off sooner or later!
In July (the 8th thru 18th) I went to Alberta Canada for a good friend's wedding. Shout out to Kyle & Jenna French! :) It was a busy 10 days- planning, primping, and partying!! The French's wedding day was absolutely gorgeous and I am truly blessed and honored to have been a part of something so amazing!
August hasn't gone so smoothly...
2 Mondays ago, all of Poteet was left high and dry. Literally. The one water pump that the city has (for 3,000 people, mind you) went out, leaving us without the slightest drop of water. 36 hours later, when the water did finally come back on, the pressure was apparently too high and our toilet tank cracked. All the way to the bottom. I quickly turned off the water and called the landlord. Keep in mind that I had never met or even spoken to this man in my life. I finally track him down at work. While we're talking, I mention that the back door is also rotted and needs replacing. We agree to have someone come out the next morning to assess all of the damage/needed repairs.
Tuesday night, as I'm madly rushing around trying to "tidy things up" so they don't think a bunch of pigs live here, I walk out the [rotted] back door to the storage room. I look to my left, only to see the huge [dead] tree in the back yard has UPROOTED itself, thus landing on and crushing the chainlink fence. I could not make this stuff up if I tried. I call the landlord the next day and explain everything (both of us laughing at the situation - I think he was in a little disbelief!)
Needless to say, all of week before last was spent with "handymen" - some, not so handy! We do have a new back door and repaired fence, now though! :)
This morning, I had the plumber out to look at the "repaired" toilet that now makes a crazy squeaking sound when flushed. He will be back FRIDAY to replace the entire toilet and bathroom faucet. We are just glad that it's the landlord who has to pay for all of these repairs!
That being said, we are actively hunting for a new HOUSE! We have found & fallen in love with a gorgeous 3/2 in south San Antonio...the trick is getting the seller to return our calls! Please say a quick prayer for us! I REALLY want to be out of this place by Christmas - or, even better - Halloween!!
One last thing I want to enlighten y'all on is the newest fitness challenge I have decided to take on! It is the
Dub Lane Kettlebell Fitness Challenge. Read more about it here - Life in the Dub Lane
And just in case you're wondering, this is what a kettlebell looks like -
And this is what the DVDs look like -
I am going to be doing this along with a good friend, Miss Alayna Smith. Check her page out at Behind These Hazel Eyes
I guess that's all for now...I will TRY to post updates as to my progress in the Kettlebell Fitness Challenge, so stay tuned!!
Until we meet again..................